China’s Tianenmen Massacre that Nobody Heard About?

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October 10, 2014 by ...

Everyone has heard of this famous ‘massacre that everyone but China admits occurred’,



But how about this one?


According to the source below, another ‘No. Nobody was killed here so please move along,’ moment just happened in China. Those bad boys of Beijing have made body disposal and cover up an art form. The story tells of massive blood letting and bigger denial in western China.

Excerpt-‘Many feared that the recent pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong would end with a crackdown reminiscent of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, when the Chinese army crushed a peaceful student occupation of central Beijing and killed hundreds or even thousands of people in the process.

This speculation, and the global attention to Hong Kong, ignores a crucial piece of context: The Chinese government already killed scores of demonstrators in a single incident earlier this year. And it did so under circumstances that are the exact opposite of the situation in Hong Kong — far from the prying eyes of the international media, in a distant and peripheral part of the country that’s home to a restive minority group with a whole different set of grievances against Beijing.

In early August, the president of the Germany-based World Uyghur Congress claimed that at least 2,000 members of China’s Uyghur minority had been killed the previous month in and around Elishku, a town in China’s far west. China’s 12 million Uyghurs are Muslims who speak a language related to Turkish and who enjoy few civil, national, political, or religious rights under China’s nationalistic and authoritarian system.’

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